Adult ADHD: Disordered Attention
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Adult ADHD: Disordered Attention

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a disorder involving distractibility, poor self-control, and impulsivity that is most often diagnosed in school-aged children. However, 5% of adults meet criteria for the disorder.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that emphasizes that change is possible through acceptance and commitment.

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Are you a worrier?  Worry is a common response to problems. It involves allowing one’s mind to dwell on an anticipated problem. Worry is typically focused on what might occur, and an individual generates a series of “what if” scenarios.

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Trouble identifying and expressing feelings? 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychology Amy Combs-Lane Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychology Amy Combs-Lane

Trouble identifying and expressing feelings? 

Approximately 1 in 10 people endorse a trait-like characteristic called alexithymia. The term literally means a lack of words (lexi) for emotions (thymia). It is characterized by five core features: difficulty identifying one's emotions, difficulty labeling feelings, an inability to experience emotions, an externally orientated cognitive style, and a limited imagination.

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Am I depressed?
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Am I depressed?

The term depression has become so commonplace, it may seem like everyone struggles with it.

Yet, Major Depressive Disorder is a clinical condition that is different from feeling down or having a bad day.

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Is perfectionism weighing you down?
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Is perfectionism weighing you down?

Perfectionism is like trying to climb a large mountain. In your effort to climb as efficiently as possible, you leave behind your fellow climbers.

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Trauma and PTSD
Amy Combs-Lane Amy Combs-Lane

Trauma and PTSD

Traumatic events involve a reaction of horror or utter helplessness and are exceptionally stressful because they cause serious injury or involve the threat of physical injury or death.

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